Tuesday, April 22, 2008

So Sad!!!
Dustin had another track meet last night (Monday) in Hermann. He participated in three events this meet. He did the 200 meter dash, the 400 meter dash and the 4x4. He did ok in the 200 meter, as in he didn't finish last. The 400 meter he would have taken 4th but the combined the times of the 7th and 8th grade boys instead of keeping it seperate like at all the other meets. The 4x4 was a sad event, his team finished DEAD last. There was no hope there whatsoever!!
He informed me tonight that he is very sad because there are only three more nights of track practice. I for one am glad to get back to a halfway normal life...that is until Garrett's baseball practice and games start!! Dustin does still have two meets. Monday he will run at Mexico Military Academy and Tuesday will be the last meet in Troy. Let's hope the weather holds out so they can get the last two in!!

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Come on in and sit a spell...

I think I can

This is all new to me, I am not great with a computer but my family has inspired me with their blogs to try one of my own. I will warn you, I will probably not post things daily but I will definately try to hit the highlights of our country life!! Wish me luck and hang on for the ride!!