Sunday, April 13, 2008

Field Trip to Foremost Dairy...Cold enough to make ice cream!!

Garrett's 1st grade class went on a field trip to Foremost Dairy in Columbia on Friday. It had to be the nastiest day ever for a field trip but of course the kids loved it...can't say the parents enjoyed it as much. This was basically an outside field trip to a cattle farm. We got to see the cows "bedrooms", the milking parlor, the food storage area and the babay calves. Then, as if we weren't cold enough, they gave us ice cream before we left. We got back on the warm bus and went to Cosmo Park in Columbia to eat and play. Needless to say, we only stayed there about 40 minutes before heading back home. Although I was frozen, I was glad I went and Garrett said it was his best field trip ever!!!

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Come on in and sit a spell...

I think I can

This is all new to me, I am not great with a computer but my family has inspired me with their blogs to try one of my own. I will warn you, I will probably not post things daily but I will definately try to hit the highlights of our country life!! Wish me luck and hang on for the ride!!