Saturday, May 10, 2008

Our Busy Week.... Garrett started our busy week on Tuesday with Field Day. He participated in many events during the day including the long jump (picture). He had a great time and was worn out by the end of the day. The kids did a tug of war, 50 yard dash, 4x4 relay, long jump, bouncy ball race, sack race, crab walk race, wheelbarrow race and softball throw. It was a busy afternoon. On Friday, the first grade class did Mommy Makeovers for all their Moms. Garrett did a great job fixing my hair, putting make up on me and painting my fingernails. I also got a massage from him and a flower. It was a nice afternoon.
On Wednesday, the Middle School students who participated in the Ticket to Adventure program got to go the Rec-Plex in St. Peters. In order to qualify, each student had to read at least 12 books during the school year. Each book had to be at least 100 pages. Dustin read 14 books. At the Rec-Plex he was able to ice skate, play basketball and swim. He got to jump off the high dive. They were not allowed to jump of the highest platform though. He had a good time and will participate in the program again next year. He also did the program last year, the trip then was to the movies. He liked this trip better!!
Alan finished off our week today (Saturday) at the Kansas Motor Speedway. A few years ago for our anniversary I gave him a Richard Petty Driving Experience Ride-Along. He was able to go to the track and ride three laps at race speed (about 165-170 mph). He said it was a blast and that there were not words to describe the sensation of riding in a car and going that fast. He is now planning on saving up to do the Total Experience. He said the ride-along is well worth it too!!

Hopefully things will finally slow down a little around here. Dustin has football camp after school all this coming week. Garrett has baseball practice on Monday and his first game is on Saturday so then again, maybe things won't slow down!!

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Come on in and sit a spell...

I think I can

This is all new to me, I am not great with a computer but my family has inspired me with their blogs to try one of my own. I will warn you, I will probably not post things daily but I will definately try to hit the highlights of our country life!! Wish me luck and hang on for the ride!!